Theme of the Week

Friday, April 8, 2011

Harpy Costume: 102 days till Comic-con

102 days to go, and I'm still in the beginning stages of the costume. I've completed the drawing from a picture of what I want the final to look like (got lazy on the left leg) and so far I've found a friend who will make the helmet for me, and I've figured out how to make it all. Last night worked with the glue I bought specifically designed for costumes and I started on the base of the wings. Turns out this will need more fabric then I initially planned for.

Alas, I am still lacking in hours at work, so I could really use some help. Donations are lovely, but rather, breeze by my Etsy store ( I have several fleece scarves/hats and two soapstone sculptures I'd like to sell. Mother's day is coming up, she might like a little wolf or abstract wave sculpture as a gift, and they are cheap and one of a kind! Also, once I get a bit adapter for the dremel I'm borrowing I'll have some beautiful sea glass pendants for sale. :)

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